Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Mt. Redoubt errupted today. Here's a link to the most up to date activity.
Alaska Volcano Observatory
So far we've not had any volcanic ash fall our way, but if the wind changes we could have some. In that event we've taken precautions as directed here.
This is me getting ready to ski Crevasse Moraine agian today. This was only my second time and tragically might be the last time for a long time. The warmer temperatures are taking a toll on the snow conditions. It was a little icy, but not bad. And I didn't actually fall down even one time. Although there were a couple of times..

When we went last week we followed the groomer and the trails were in really great shape. Today it looked like it'd been a while since the groomer had been through. The tracks had some holes in them and were partially filled with snow. Since I didn't fall.. maybe this was a good thing for me??

Since I remembered to take the camera this time I thought you might enjoy a few other pictures.

I took the map along just in case and I got it out quite often. They also had thoughtfully posted maps at almost all of the junctions of the trails with a handy little icon that said "you are here".

This is a REALLY nice trail system. And another nice feature for me is a well stocked restroom at the trail head. I have a picture of that too, but really .. if you've seen one you've seen them all.

On my way off the trail I came upon some kind of strange green trail marker. On closer inspection it turned out to be a green bag used for poop scooping. Someone must have dropped it. Being a good trail citizen I picked it up and placed it here.

I hope I get to go again before the snow melts. But if not.. it was fun while it lasted. And I hope to be back in Alaska or somwhere else where I can ski again someday.

Skiing at Crevasse Moraine

I actually wrote this last week, but didn't get to post it until today..

I wanted to blog about my experience today (that would be March 17) skiing but frustratingly enough for some reason neither blogspot nor yahoo will open up for me. My home page works fine though. Maybe this is a sign tthat it's time for bed since I do have to be at work tomorrow.

Just some things that stand out. First I didn't break a leg. Thank goodness and thank God. That would have made it rough to be at work tomorrow and I missed a couple of days last week being sick. Speaking of which it's really great not to be sick anymore.

My performance on the trail wasn't stellar and I was really embarrased by my lack of stamina. Some of which I put down to being sick last week and not exercising and eating right durring that time. Now that I'm not sick I'll get back to my routine of regular exercise. My goal in that area is to burn off at least 300 calories a day - which I was doing pretty well in..

I fell several times and no I wasn't counting. But none of the falls were serious. Snow is not actually soft - as it might apear to be at times but still I didn't hurt myself.

It turns out that a lot of the techniques I've used before as a beginner/Intermediate (at times) level downhill skiier work fine for cross country skiing. And that the bindings on my new boots and skiis are far superior to the ones the movers broke for me when we moved to Cottonwood AZ 5 years ago. So in actuality they really did me a favor in breaking them. That forced me to buy new skis this year and since I had new skis I might as well get new bindngs and therefore new boots to boot. I did however manage to get by with my "old" poles.

I wanted to post some pictures but forgot to bring a camera.. but here's a web site with some great pictures of the trails. http://www.solsticelight.com/aks/gallery/journal/alaska/030301/index.htm

Mark and Stacie from the Mat-Su ski club were nice enough to meet me there and show me the trails and basic techniques.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tear Drop trailer - not a moose

I was looking for a picture of the Moose that frequently come around our house. A couple of days ago I actually saw 9 (NINE) moose on my way to work.
Anyway.. not finding that on the computer I found this picture which I thought you might like. It's a picture of our Teardrop trailer which we used when we drove the Alcan NORTH last summer.
We'll be using it again this summer headed SOUTH.
It is very small but comfortable. It has a (wall to wall) almost double bed inside and a "chuck wagon" kitchen in the back. That is you open up a hatch (the whole back side) and inside is a countertop and cabinets.
It has a battery and battery charger in the front storage area which run lights and a fan inside the trailer. There is also an electrical hookup that will run these things in addition to a regular outlet inside.

I can't beleive that anyone would read this.. but

Well.. I'm here at the computer to check on my daughter's blog "amanda goes east" and came accross this opportunity to express myself in my very own blog. I have to say that my "blog" on myspace hasn't generated much interest. But maybe this one will be different.

I titled my blog "South from Alaska" because I now live in Knik Alaska (about 45 miles from Anchorage) and will soon be driving the Alcan south for the first time. I've now driven it twice headed north but on my other move south we took the ferry. The Alaska Marine Highway. I highly recomend it although I personaly was sick for the part where we crossed the Gulf of Alaska.

I work at Walmart and so I'm there almost every day. Which is why I can tell you for sure that the Wasilla Walmart has a display of "The Milepost" which they recently set up. I've been thinking that I should get one for my upcoming trip south.

Why move away from Alaska you ask? Good question. The typical answer - work.

Mark, my husband, will be taking a church in Sahuarita AZ this June.

We will miss Alaska but we also love Arizona and we're looking forward to making new friends there and getting to know the church we will be serving there. We know that God has great plans for us and for Santa Cruz UMC.

See you later.