Sunday, April 26, 2009

Guess I should update..

It's late and I'm tired after a long day at work, but I noticed that it's been a while since I updated this. Hopefully later I'll replace this post with one that's better written.

We got the news yesterday that our loan is going to go through for the house we're buying in Sahuarita AZ. So the good news is that now we have a place to live lined up. Now if Mark could sell his dog truck.. then he'd have enough money to buy a truck to drive once we get to Arizona. The plan is to leave his old truck up here for us to drive when we're visiting Alaska.

I had a transfer all worked out with Walmart, but then they realized that I wouldn't be there within 30 days. So I have to wait until just 30 days before we arrive to work that out. So still a couple of weeks from now.

The snow is mostly gone and you can see the brown grass. The road is still really muddy but gets better every day. It was almost impassable for a while as the snow melted and refroze.

The moose seem to have gone back into the mountains. We haven't seen any for a while. They come down here to the lower elevations when the snow in the mountians gets too deep.

Last Tuesday I took my first bike ride since moving back up here. It was great. I think I probably rode about 10 miles. The weather was pretty much perfect. About 45 degrees and sunny.

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